Love Yourself Weight Loss Card

Join the Ear Seeds for Weight Loss Kickstart

A 7-Day Challenge to Increase Fat Burn, Energy & Healthy Aging with Ear Seeds

OCTOBER 7 - 14, 2024

Early Bird Ends 9/26/24. Doors Close 10/6/24 Midnight PT

Here's What You Get in the 7-Day Challenge


Start using auriculotherapy today with our Ear Seeds for Weight Loss Kick Start: A 7-Day Challenge to Increase Fat Burn, Energy and Healthy Aging. With three online sessions, you'll quickly learn a clinically proven ear and body acupressure protocols for weight loss.

Learn ear seed placement from the pros and foster healthy lifestyle habits that support your weight loss goals. It's about taking those small, crucial steps toward a healthier you, supported by expert guidance every step of the way.

Three Weight Loss Trainings on Zoom:

All Trainings Will Be Recorded & Replays Posted For You to Watch Later

Blue Ear Icon

1. Ear Seeds Weight Loss Protocol

Dive into the 5-Point Ear Seeds Weight Loss Protocol Backed by Research.

Blue Acupressure Icon

2. Body Acupressure Points to Burn Fat

Discover the Two Body Acupressure Points that Specifically Target Belly Fat.

Blue Motivation Icon

3. Mindset, Motivation, Cravings & Hunger

Tackle Mindset, Motivation, Cravings & Hunger; Because Your Thoughts Shape Your Journey.


Bonus #1: A Special Class on Holistic Weight Loss Strategies:

Embark on the 'Algorithm of Weight Loss’—your guide to burning more fat and increasing your metabolism without pills, counting calories, or starving yourself. This exclusive session will illuminate root causes that prevent weight loss and give you a new perspective on making weight loss an integrated part of your lifestyle.

More Bonuses to Keep the Fire Ignited...

Bonus #2 A heartening Motivational Weight Loss Journal PDF DOWNLOAD that acts as your daily companion, celebrating every step and every choice

Bonus #3 Uplifting Weight Loss Affirmations PDF DOWNLOAD to nourish your mind and reinforce your daily commitment to wellness

Bonus #4 Create the Perfect Meal Guide PDF DOWNLOAD, so each dish you savor is a building block to a better you

And, because we love a good surprise, we'll sprinkle a few extra, unannounced bonuses along the way!

Weight Loss Challenge Bonuses with Circle
Love Yourself Weight Loss Card
Love Yourself Weight Loss Card
Love Yourself Weight Loss Card


A Vibrant Community Experience:

Never walk alone with access to an online community that mirrors your values and determination. Dive into a supportive space for replays, moment-to-moment accountability, insightful protocols, handy downloads, and active forum for motivation, instructions, and more.

14-Day Access to the Challenge Membership Site

We want you to succeed! Seize the opportunity with 14-Days Exclusive Access to the Kickstart Challenge—because we know life gets busy, and your well-being deserves that extra time.

Yes! There Will be Replays

We understand that not everyone will be able to attend the replays live. That's where the online community comes into play. Watch the replays, comment in the forum, and stay tuned into the community vibe—all on your own timeframe.

Do Ear Seeds Work for Weight Loss?
Here's What People on Social Media Say...


Early Bird Registration
Only $27 ($57)

Early Bird Ends 9/26/24 at midnight PT

Ear Seeds for Weight Loss Product Card  (1)

Embark on the 7-Day Ear Seeds for Weight Loss Kickstart to learn and apply transformative wellness strategies right away. Picture yourself in seven days, enriched with knowledge, part of a supportive community, and equipped with tools for real change—not just for losing weight, but for embracing a lifestyle of enhanced energy and vitality. Ready to begin? Click the Join Now button below.

Here's What's Included in the Challenge:

  • 3  expert trainings on ear and body acupressure protocols & mindset
  • 1 special class on holistic weight loss strategies
  • Access to Replays for 14-Days
  • 20% Off Ear Seeds at
  • BONUSES Valued at $57
  • Motivational Weight Loss Journal (PDF Download)
  • Weight Loss Affirmations (PDF Download)
  • Perfect Meal Guide (PDF Download)
  • Vibrant Online Community
  • 14-Day Access to the Challenge Community
Robin & Elie Sig 2
Robin & Elie Sig 2

About Us

Hi! We're Elie Goldschmidt and Robin Green

Leveraging their experience from the popular 'Ear Seeds for Weight Loss' class, Elie Goldschmidt and Robin Ray Green have developed the 7-Day Ear Seeds for Weight Loss Kick Start. This program is designed to seamlessly integrate ear seeding into daily life, assisting participants to effectively use ear and body acupressure to enhance their weight loss lifestyle.

Elie Goldschmidt, founder of and the Ear Seeds Academy, has made significant strides in auriculotherapy education. His ability to simplify complex theories into understandable concepts has been crucial in educating a global audience. His innovative approach, rooted in studies with notable experts in the field, has modernized auriculotherapy for health professionals.

Robin Ray Green, a respected pediatric health specialist and best-selling author, has expanded the reach of auriculotherapy to parents and pediatric practitioners through her involvement with Thrive Ear Seeds. Her practical strategies and educational initiatives have empowered families to adopt holistic approaches for their children’s health.

Together, Elie and Robin are dedicated to spreading the benefits of auriculotherapy, making it an accessible and effective part of everyday health practices. They strive to educate and support individuals looking to improve their health through natural and practical solutions.

FAQs About the 7-Day Weight Loss Kick Start

What are the days/times of the live classes?

The challenge will be held from October 7th - 14th. The live class schedule is as follows:

  • October 7th at 10:00 am PT

  • October 8th at 10:00 am PT

  • October 9th at 10 am PT

  • October 14th at 10 am PT

Will there be a replay?

YES! All the live trainings will be recorded and available to view at your convenience inside of our challenge community. You do not have to attend the classes.

How Long Can I Access the Replays & Membership Site?

We want you to participate and succeed! That's why we give you limited-time access to the challenge, replays, and membership site. You'll have 14 days for the 7-Day Challenge! Access will end on October 20, 2024.

Do I need ear seeds for the challenge?

YES! You will need ear seeds to successfully participate in the challenge. You can use your own or if you need to purchase ear seeds, we'll provide a 20% off coupon that you can use on once you sign up.

Can I get a refund?

No, due to the nature of the online challenge and delivery of digital materials we cannot offer a refund after purchase. All sales are final.

Ready for change?

Your journey begins with a single step. Join us today and let’s turn seeds into success.

Thrive Ear Seeds, LLC · © 2024

Legal Disclaimer:

The information provided in the Ear Seeds for Weight Loss Kick Start is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical or nursing advice. It should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem nor should it be used as a substitute for the advice of a professional healthcare provider. Individual results may vary, and no specific outcomes or results are guaranteed. Success in any health-related program is related to your active participation and the effort you put in. We encourage you to be proactive in your health journey and to use the information provided within the program to complement your overall health plan. By purchasing and participating in this program, you acknowledge and agree that you are fully responsible for your health and well-being and the results you attain through the program.