A Closer Look at Liver and Obesogens: When Weight Loss Strategies Aren't Working

Obesogens Liver Weight loss Blog

For years, the mantra for weight loss has been simple: exercise more and eat less. While this advice may have laid a good foundation, current research and evidence suggest a more complex picture.

Today, we're facing a myriad of challenges that hinder our metabolic flexibility, with obesogens at the forefront of factors contributing to weight loss resistance.

Among these adversaries, specific toxins called obesogens play a significant role, quietly sabotaging our efforts to lose weight, despite adopting all the right habits.

Obesogens Definition

Understanding Obesogens and Their Role in Weight Gain

Obesogens are defined as environmental toxin exposures that increase the likelihood of obesity and diabetes.

These includes a class of chemicals termed xenoestrogens that disrupt endocrine communication, interfering with the signaling of endocrine receptors involving hormones such as thyroid hormone or estrogen.

It's impossible to avoid 100% of environmental toxins because our exposures come through air, water, food, and personal care products, but we can significantly lower our exposures and support our body's detox organs to minimize their impact.

Become Aware of Common Obesogens

According to the work of Joseph Pizorno, heavy metals and specific toxins have the biggest effect on diabetes and obesity. Below is a list based on his work including the most common sources of these toxins.

If left unchecked, obesogens interfere the normal function of tissues and cells impacting energy production, fat storage, and blood sugar regulation.

The greater the exposure to obesogens, the more likely they are to alter our metabolic rate and reprogram our set-point for developing obesity.

The good news is there are ways to offset the impact of these obesogens & detox them to support healthy metabolism and weight loss.

In our previous blog post on healthy water shares how simply adding this purification technique you can significantly lower your exposure to obesogens.

Here are some additional tips to lower your exposure to obesogens:

Let's look at some practical steps we can take together to reduce our exposure to obesogens. Imagine each step as a breadcrumb leading us toward a cleaner and healthier lifestyle. 🍃

🌱 Your Checklist to Lowering Obesogen Exposure:

  1. Use a Countertop Water Distiller: Start by ensuring your water is as pure as it can be. A distiller removes not just the obvious culprits like microplastics and toxins but even the sneakiest ones like radioactive elements. It’s like giving your water a super cleanse!

  2. Opt for Glass and Stainless Steel: Swap out those plastic containers and water bottles for glass or stainless steel alternatives. It's a simple switch that speaks volumes in your quest to avoid BPA and phthalates. Don't be fooled by BPA-free plastics, companies have replaced the BPA with other endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are often worse.

  3. Go Organic When You Can: Choosing organic fruits, vegetables, and meats can significantly reduce your exposure to certain pesticides and chemicals. It's like giving your body a green light to process the good stuff without the bad tagalongs.

  4. Switch to Clean Personal Care Products: The products we use on our skin or in our homes can be a huge, but easily fixable source of obesogens. Look for labels that say "phthalate-free" or "BPA-free" and consider natural or organic skincare options. Check your skin care products for toxic ingredients through websites like EWG.org and switch to cleaner products.

  5. Update Your Kitchenware: Replace non-stick cookware with options like ceramic, stainless steel, or cast iron. Think of it as your kitchen’s wardrobe change - out with the old, in with the new (and healthier).

  6. Use an Air Purifier: Keeping the air in your home fresh can help clear out any airborne toxins. Even something as simple as opening a window can give your home a breath of fresh air, quite literally. But to really reduce your exposures, we recommend an air purifier like the Air Doctor with an Ultra-HEPA filter to get rid of even the tiniest air pollutants.

Remember, it's about making small, manageable changes, one step at a time. You don't have to overhaul your lifestyle overnight.  Each little step you take is a victory - a toast to a healthier you, and honestly, that's something to be really proud of.

The Role of Detoxification in Weight Loss

As our understanding of weight loss resistance deepens, so does the recognition of the liver and gut's roles in detoxification and overall health.

Dr. Doniparthi's insights in an episode of Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon underline a crucial aspect often overlooked in weight loss conversations.

He recounts the story of a patient who struggled with obesity despite adhering to a low carb, clean, organic, and non-GMO diet. It wasn't until her gut and liver were cleansed that she began to lose weight, highlighting the profound impact of adding detoxification to any weight loss program.

Acupressure: An Aid in Detoxification and Weight Loss

When it comes to focusing on gut and liver health, acupressure presents a promising avenue for aiding the detoxification process.

Specific acupressure points in the ear and body are believed to support the liver's detoxification capabilities. By stimulating these points, individuals can enhance their body's natural detox processes, aiding in the removal of harmful toxins and potentially facilitating weight loss.


By synergizing two acupressure points—the auricular liver point on the upper concha of the ear, and Liver 3 (LR 3), found between the big toe and the second toe—a powerful message of homeostasis is communicated to the liver.

LV 3

Through precise stimulation, these points engage with the body's meridians, pathways of energy and communication, fostering an environment where detoxification is not just possible but optimized.


The journey to successful weight loss is multifaceted, extending beyond the simple paradigm of diet and exercise. Recognizing the role of obesogens and the importance of liver and gut health in detoxification is crucial.

By coupling these insights with supportive practices like acupressure, individuals can tackle weight loss resistance more effectively, paving the way to a healthier, toxin-free lifestyle.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern health challenges, embracing a more holistic approach may well be the key to unlocking the doors to sustainable weight management.

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Elie will show you 10 different, and unique weight loss strategies, all using ear seeds, that you can apply to yourself or your clients... starting with the research! 

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